Wednesday, September 12, 2012

rock and roll lifestyle update

Sorry for not posting for awhile (I'm sure you were all waiting with bated breath...not!) but I just haven't had much to write about. Things are pretty much humming along smoothly and I'm feeling really happy and content lately, but that doesn't always make for exciting reading. I'm on month 2 of Healthmonth and other than my booze rule I'm doing really great. (Not that I'm some drunken party spaz, I just manage to go a couple drinks over - literally a couple - most weeks. Gah, I just love wine. And being social!) I added some more rules centered around things I've been meaning to do for awhile - bring lunch to work a couple days a week, make time to read actual books, floss every day, etc. - and I continue to find the site really helpful for instilling good habits.

I'm feeling in better shape than I have for a long time and even lost a few pounds, though that's probably due to the PLAGUE I had. It was a horrible sore throat that was strep, but wasn't strep, then was maybe mono but not. I'm actually surprised I didn't whine about it here because I was a miserable grouchy mess for over a week. I was on a liquid diet for like 5 days and it was the worst, most painful thing ever.

Other recent highlights in the world of Jen: I got an awesome review at work. I went to my first drive-in movie. I got 3 dresses from Modcloth for 60 bucks. I'm about to start officially shopping around for car. My life is so exciting! That sounds like sarcasm but I promise it's not. Things are pretty damn swell. And they will be even BETTER now that it's not hot as hell outside anymore. You guys, I am so looking forward to Fall, and not just because of the copious amounts of pumpkin ale I'll be imbibing. Ok...a little bit because of that.