Sunday, May 24, 2015

It's all good in the hood

I took advantage of the reasonable temps and went on a 3 mile stroll today. I love my neighborhood. I've lived in the Heights on and off since I was I was 17. I always seem to find myself back within the same few square miles; in fact two of my former residences are a mere 3 blocks from where I am now, though one has been torn down and replaced. As I walked today, I found myself nostalgic for late night tipsy tire swing rides in Milroy Park, and even for crappy bus stops where I've spent hours of my life, waiting for the metro and listening to music. As someone who moved a lot as a kid, this neighborhood is as familiar as it gets for me, despite its changes. It occurred to me that in a few years I'll be nostalgic for these current days, just as I'm nostalgic now for the teen and mid 20s years I've spent here. That thought brings me a real sense of contentment. It's a privilege to recognize the good old days when you're in them.