Thursday, March 8, 2012

Danica Patrick irks me. Having watched a bit of racing with my dad growing up, I was immediately interested when I heard about a woman racer working her way up the ranks. She was petite and pretty and feminine, but none of that mattered because she was good. Imagine my disappointment when the FHM cover and the trashy Godaddy commercials started coming out. Here was a chance for a woman to be respected for her skill and yet she was playing into the same old bullshit; reinforcing a message that looks are what women have to offer - that sexiness, not talent, is our commodity.

 I know feminism means that she should be free to make her own choices and do what she wants with her body, and part of me admires the fact that her Wikipedia entry states she's an auto racer and model. I love living in a world where women can be both of those things at the same time. But I'd really love living in a world where a woman could race with the guys without having to take her tits out. I mean, is it really feminist if she's reinforcing problematic messages and helping perpetuate a system that keeps women from being seen as equals? I don't want to seem like I'm "slut shaming" or being "sex negative"* I'm just disappointed. I don't think that anyone has an obligation to be a role model, but it is disheartening to see someone squander that opportunity.

*Oh how I hate those damn terms - mention my disdain for strip clubs or prostitution and you will get slapped with a big ol' "sex negative" label in some circles which is absurd.. FUCK THAT, seriously. But that's a topic angry rant for another day.

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